17 Live Video Trends You Can Take Advantage of in 2023 

February 10, 2023

Live video is not new to the world of social media. But in the past few years, live streaming has kicked up a notch. People love live streaming on their phones. 

People spent 548 billion hours streaming videos on their mobile devices in 2021! That explains why live streaming can immensely impact in the coming years. 

To use live streams in the best possible way, you need to know about live streaming trends that will take over the internet in 2023. 

In this article, we are going to talk about 16 live video streaming trends and how you can use them to hack into your audience. 

17 Live Video Trends

Live Stream eCommerce is on the Rise

When you are on Instagram, and your favorite influencer goes live. It is a thrill to interact with them. 

You keep wondering, what lipstick shade are they wearing, or where is that gorgeous skirt from?

Every viewer who watches a live stream is like you; they see something they like on a Livestream and want it. 

E-commerce has evolved over the years. Consumers not only shop on shopping apps and websites, but they also get influenced by social media to make purchases. 

It is called social commerce!

There is a  $51.2 billion market in the US for social commerce, which involves selling on social media platforms. 

This trend will not only help you gain more viewers, but it will also generate tremendous revenue if you know how to influence your viewers. 

Strategic Approaches to Gamification

Gamification is the next big trend in live streaming. Live streaming platforms like Twitch and Youtube have carved out a separate niche for live video games. 

In the second quarter of 2021, people worldwide (excluding China) spent a collective 9 billion hours watching live-streaming video game content, which is more than two times the audience in the second quarter of 2019!

This is a huge marketing opportunity for gamers, celebrities, influencers, and relevant brands to monetize their streams. 

Explore Short and Long-Form Content

WWhile it may be the truth that short-form content is ruling, long-form content is also needed. 

You may have read that the attention span of humans has decreased or that the attention span of humans is less than that of goldfish (humans - 8.24 seconds, goldfish - 9 seconds). 

But the longer truth is that humans' attention span can be between 8 seconds to 20 minutes.

Which means you have some room to experiment. 

You can use shorter content formats like TikTok, Reels, and Youtube shorts but also make longer forms of content like Youtube, Facebook, Twitch, or Instagram livestream!

Remember, it is always important to have options. Play around, and find out what works for you and your audience.

Turn Long Live Streams into Short-Form Clips

You can always repurpose your long live streams into short, digestible clips. As we have mentioned before, viewers like to watch short-form content. 

The audience's preference has changed over the years. Currently, short videos are trending. 

You can plan your live stream ahead of time and plan sections. That way, you can do it section-wise when creating short clips. 

Or you can always clip the parts of the live stream that offer valuable content and share it with viewers again.

Get 4K Camera Ready

Over a decade ago, we used to watch 360p videos on our phones with lousy internet connections. 

While the nostalgia is unparalleled, we wouldn't have minded high-quality videos back then.

Things have improved in 2023; we can watch 4K videos on Youtube. 4K videos improve the viewer experience because you do not have to watch hazy videos. 

Streaming in 4K may be far-fetched because 4K production needs a lot of bandwidth. 

But with the launch of 5G, 4K will be the next preferred video quality. So get a 4K web camera to roll out clear-as-water videos.  

Engage with Your Audience

With so many options out there, viewers are spoilt with choices. You need to stand out and be memorable.  

One thing is certain: You need something interesting to say! 

If you don't have anything interesting to talk about or aren't up for doing any interviews or activities during your live stream, then it's time for an upgrade!

You can have a Q&A and answer your viewers' questions. You could also play some games on the live stream. 

Moreover, you can have a guest on your live stream. The best is you can go live with one of your viewers or take rounds going live with your viewers. What could be more engaging than that?

The best form of engagement is giving the audience what they want!

Expansion of IoT Video Streaming

Live streaming has become a great way to use IoT technology (Internet of Things) in today's world of digital marketing.

IoT devices allow people all over the world to interact with each other through devices such as smartwatches, smartphones, and smart speakers.

With more devices being connected to the internet, it's becoming easier for people worldwide to watch your live streams.

The future of steaming is in IoT. People are not just live streaming on their laptops but also on their smartphones.

They aren't live streaming alone but video conferencing with a team. 

IoT streaming is trending with things like video conferences, Netflix, and even smartwatches. 

Video streaming platforms are already incorporating IoT devices into their content platforms, so you must do too!

Use Membership Sites to Monetize Live Streams

If you're interested in making money from your live streams, consider using a membership site like Patreon or Weebly instead of ads to monetize your content while building a loyal fanbase along the way. 

This can give you more control over how much money you make off your videos while also helping build your brand by letting viewers know they can support what they love.

If you're just starting this type of streaming, think about creating something unique, like an artsy channel or one focused on education instead of comedy or gaming.

Build Revenue Streams with Affiliate Marketing

When searching for the best protein powders in the market, you look for videos listing the best ones. 

If anyone is searching for recommendations and is always going to buy, this is where you can build revenue by getting into affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend a product/service to your viewers, and when they buy it, you get a percentage of the profits. 

Your audience sees you as a guide and resource. Your viewers are looking for products, and you are looking to make money. 

So, the best thing you can do in live streaming video is affiliate marketing. However, it would help if you always vouched for authentic and trustworthy brands. 

Try Out a 360-Degree Live Streaming

Virtual reality and 360-degree live streaming are the post-covid trends that are here to stay. The reason why they are so popular right now is that they provide an immersive experience. 

It would help if you tried out 360-degree live streaming to serve something different to your audience. Believe us; they are going to love it. 

Most video content during live streaming is the same- with a subject staring at the camera or a screen recording. But 360-degree live streaming offers you an edge. 

Thanks to Youtube VR, you do not need 1000 subscribers on Youtube to go live. You can use it to try out 360-degree live streaming. 

If you want to know more about it, this video can help you get started. 

YouTube 360° Live Streaming Tutorial - the Latest Guide

Combine Information and Entertainment

Tapping into infotainment is going to open many doors for you. A live stream is a basic video marketing tool you can use.

But how to use it so that your audience keeps coming back?

The trick is to entertain and enlighten your viewers. You need to not only provide them with solutions but fun as well. 

If you provide them with just resources, they will watch your live stream and disappear. 

But if you provide them with information AND entertainment, they will keep coming back for your live videos. 

Make sure you live stream every week at a scheduled time, plan your live stream, and try to engage with your viewers. 

Your focus should be on building a community by providing them with infotainment. . 

Cater to a Diverse Audience

Live videos can reach audiences from all over the world and cater to a diverse audience. 

Sometimes you can be too focused on a specific type of audience, but there are always new people out there to discover. 

Live streaming also allows users to connect with other people who may have similar interests as they do through social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook Live.

You can use it to engage with customers and build relationships with them, but you can also use it to grow your brand awareness by attracting new audiences who may not be familiar with you yet.

Experiment With the Viewer's Experience

The most important thing about live video is that it's real-time — there's no waiting period between when something happens and when someone else sees it happen. 

That's why you need to be on your toes, always. And create content that your viewers love. 

Sometimes monotonous content can be boring for your viewers. So, you can experiment with what to do in your live stream. 

  • You can use live videos to introduce new content or products when relevant. 
  • You can also start by giving viewers a behind-the-scenes look at how your site was made or showing off a new piece of equipment you've been experimenting with at work. 
  • You can also use live videos to reach out to fans who haven't seen you perform in person yet — by inviting them into an event or studio setting where they can meet up and ask questions directly. 
  • You can try different angles as well, like the 360-degree experience. 

The point is to experiment and find out what makes your audience happy. 

Stream Music Live

AAs the world of live video continues to evolve, so do the ways you can use it. 

The most obvious change is that you can now stream music live through platforms like Facebook Live and Youtube Live. 

This trend became more popular during the lockdown when people couldn't go outside and attend festivals and concerts. 

Surprisingly, this live video trend is still going strong, and if you are a DJ or musician, you can stream live music to entertain your viewers. 

Get Feedback and Provide Value

In a saturated market, it can take a lot of work to make your place. But if you know what your audience wants, you can provide them with value. 

Live streaming lets viewers interact with your brand directly by asking questions, voting on polls, and commenting on your videos. 

If you want to stand out, include some interactive elements in your broadcasts. 

For example, if you're hosting an event with prizes or giveaways, offer them as rewards for watching your broadcast! 

This will give viewers something valuable to watch without actually having to spend any money.

Build Trust with Your Audience

Building trust with your audience is a significant factor in live video marketing. 

As more people use social media, it is slowly becoming a dangerous place, so you have to earn their confidence. 

This means that if you want your audience to share your broadcasts on social media, you should put in the time and effort it takes for them to feel comfortable sharing with you.

You can build trust with your audience by - being honest with them, helping them with their problems, and giving them good recommendations. 

Social Media Live Streaming Continues to Grow

Live streaming continues to be one of the most watched content on social media.  

7.2 billion hours of content were watched during the third quarter of 2022 through live streaming, even though most of it is from the gaming world.

Live streaming is not limited to virtual office meetings, but it has now become a social media phenomenon, with influencers going live every other day!

Live streaming continues to grow exponentially and will only be more important in 2023 as we look ahead at what's next for social media platforms.  

FAQs: Live Video Trends

Is live streaming still popular?

Yes, live streaming is still popular, thanks to Instagram Live, Youtube Live, and Twitch!

Is Facebook Live still a thing in 2023?

Live video usage increased by 50% in 2021, so Facebook live is still a thing. 

What are the best live-streaming tools?

You can use Vimeo or Facebook to promote your live streams, but these platforms could be better because they don't allow you to create a custom page that directly links to your stream. Here are some of the best options: Twitch, Youtube Live, and Instagram Live. 

How do I monetize my live streams?

There are three ways to monetize your live stream:

  • You can make money by selling products on your stream through affiliate marketing.
  • You can make money through subscriptions, which are paid amounts of content (usually video) that viewers pay you to see.
  • You can use ads, sponsorships, and direct sales to drive traffic to your online store or blog. 

Is there a way to measure the success of my live stream?

Yes, you can measure the success of your live stream by keeping track of metrics like the number of views, viewing time, geographical hotspots, and much more. 

Conclusion: Live Video Trends

With live streams becoming increasingly popular over the last decade, it's no wonder that viewers from all demographics are beginning to catch on. 

With the ever-growing popularity of prominent live-streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch, more people than ever before will be tuning in to get a piece of the action. 

This is the right time to hop on these trends, as this will help you gain an advantage over your competitors.

Today's trends will help you get a jump start on the attention-grabbing techniques of tomorrow. 

It's up to you to decide how to apply them. Just know that there are many opportunities for those who put their efforts into live-streaming videos. Do you have what it takes to stand out in the crowd?

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