25+ Innovative HR Video Ideas to  Enhance Your HR Strategy

June 7, 2023

Your HR department is a crucial player in the hiring process. The more people you hire, the more your HR team will have to do. 

That means they must work efficiently and effectively, which is why video is so important. 

It helps them communicate their messages in an easy-to-understand way, keeping employees happy and engaged with the company.

HR videos encourage people to share your content on social media and motivate them to take action.

HR videos can also help you create brand awareness, boost employee engagement and improve your overall reputation as an employer.

In this article, we will talk about several HR video ideas that will help your HR team stay up to date.  

Why Your HR Department Needs Video

Get a More Personalized Onboarding Experience

Your onboarding process is probably one of the most critical parts of your company culture — and it's something employees remember long after they've left.  

Creating a video introducing new hires to your company culture and explaining job-related policies can be a powerful way to ensure they get the best possible start. 

Furthermore, the HR department can also create videos outlining the company values and mission and the department's leadership, creating a better in-company culture and promoting employee engagement across departments.

A personalized onboarding experience can help employees feel more engaged with their company, leading to better performance in the long run.

Improve Employee Training and Development

Regarding employee training and development, videos are much more engaging than static images or text-based instructions.

Using videos for employee training and development can be a significant time saver. 

It can also be used to create company-wide training workshops, lessons, and tutorials that could otherwise be costly and time-consuming. 

Therefore, with the help of videos, employees can get better training and development and better accommodate different learning styles.

Create Engaging Communication on HR-related Topics

Employees are busier than ever these days — there's never enough time in the day! 

Sometimes, the HR department needs to communicate critical company-wide messages that may not interest employees. 

However, videos can make a significant difference in making otherwise mundane subjects more interesting.

By using videos more effectively, the HR department is more likely to gain employee attention and engage employees.

Save Time on Repetitive HR Tasks

Sometimes, HR-related work can be repetitive, time-consuming, and monotonous. 

Videos can go a long way in reducing the burden of Repetitive HR work. 

For instance, the HR department can create videos on workplace accident prevention, sexual harassment prevention, and other common HR-related topics. 

Employees can go through the courses independently with these videos, reducing HR's workload.

HR Video Ideas for Recruiting and Hiring

HR videos are an excellent way to reach out and connect with prospective employees. 

They can be used as a welcome video, to highlight career growth opportunities, or to test candidates' fit with your positive company culture.

In this section, we will talk about HR video ideas for recruiting and hiring. 

New Team Member Welcome

The first thing you should do when you hire someone is create a welcoming video for them. 

This should include details about the company, its mission, and how it's different from other companies in your industry. 

It should also include information about how you will help them succeed in their new role. 

The video will give them a sense of what they're getting into before they even start working for you.

You're Hired!

This video is a great way to celebrate an employee joining the team, especially when hired for their first position at your company. 

This video should be short, sweet, and fun and include some of the exciting perks of being part of the team. 

You can even use this video to introduce new product features or services you offer.

Recruitment Ad

If you have an existing team that needs new people on board, it's time to advertise for new employees! 

Nowadays, video recruitment ads are an effective way of attracting new talent. 

These videos differentiate your organization from other companies and help build an emotional connection with potential candidates. 

A recruitment ad video should clearly articulate your value proposition and highlight the unique aspects of your organization. 

The video content should be engaging, and the length should be under 90 seconds to keep viewers' attention.

Testimonials From Current Employees

People trust people, and employee testimonials are a great way of bringing the company's culture and values to life. 

Video testimonials provide an authentic company perspective by allowing viewers to see and hear actual employees share their experiences. 

The testimonials must be focused on providing genuine insights about the company's culture, what working there is like, and the support employees receive from the organization.

Highlighting Career Growth Opportunities

The ability to advance in their careers is one of the most critical factors that job seekers consider when choosing a job. 

HR teams can use video to showcase career growth opportunities at the company and the benefits of developing a long-term career there. 

Such videos can include interviews with current employees who have grown, promotional paths within the organization, and information about training and development opportunities.

Video Ideas for HR on Social Media

What It’s Like Here (Company Culture, Etc.)

One of the best ways to personalize your organization and give potential candidates a glimpse into your culture is by creating a series of "What It's Like Here" videos. 

These short, upbeat clips can show off the work environment, introduce viewers to team members, and provide insight into the business's day-to-day operations. 

It would be like a Behind-the-scenes video of your business. 

Consider highlighting your company's unique offerings, such as a pet-friendly office, catered meals, or team-building activities.

Company Mission Statement

A company's mission statement can be a strong selling point when attracting candidates who align with your values. 

Create a video that brings it to life rather than just posting the mission statement on your website. 

Showcase your employees, products, and services that reflect your message and why your work matters. Keep the video short and impactful so potential candidates are compelled to take action.

Employee Spotlights

Your employees are the heart and soul of your organization, and by highlighting them in videos, you can build trust and credibility with your audience.

Employee spotlight videos can showcase individual and team accomplishments, personality, and unique roles to give candidates and customers a sense of who they're working with. 

You can create these videos in various ways, from interviews to day-in-the-life videos, and help employees feel recognized and valued.

Community Involvement and Charity Initiatives

Many companies today prioritize social responsibility and community involvement. 

Highlighting these initiatives in videos can enhance your reputation and inspire your audience to take action. 

Feature the work your team does in the community, whether volunteering at local events or organizing charity fundraisers. 

You can interview participants, capture footage of the events in action, and share testimonials from the beneficiaries.

Behind-The-Scenes Office Life

Everyone loves a good peek behind the curtain, and sharing a day in the life of your office can feel informative and entertaining. 

Consider creating a series of "behind-the-scenes" videos that show off the different areas of your organization, from HR to marketing. 

This can help potential candidates to visualize themselves working in your environment, get a sense of the scope of the work, and feel more connected to the team.

Human Resources Video Ideas for Onboarding

How to Set Up Your Work Tools

Getting new employees started on the right foot is crucial, so why not create a video that walks them through setting up their work tools?

This could include information on how to log into the company's systems, how to use any software or applications that are necessary for their job, and how to access any training materials that will be helpful. 

Giving new hires access to this information at the outset can help them feel more confident in using their work tools effectively.

New Employee Introduction

Another vital part of onboarding is helping new hires feel welcome and connected to their co-workers. 

Consider creating a new hire video introducing new employees to the rest of the team, including their supervisor and any other colleagues they will work closely with. 

This can help new hires feel more comfortable and connected to the team, even if they have not met everyone in person.

Work Behavior Guidelines

Every workplace has its own set of work behavior guidelines, and these should be communicated clearly to new employees as part of the onboarding process. 

Consider creating corporate videos covering topics such as appropriate workplace behavior, how to communicate with colleagues and customers, and any company policies around social media or workplace harassment.

You could also share the workflow, the dos and don't, during office hours. This video can prepare new employees to deal with the office environment. 

How to Contact HR

New employees must know how to contact HR for questions or concerns. 

Consider creating a video that provides information on contacting HR, including who to talk to for specific issues and their available hours.

It's vital to share this with all your existing employees so they know how to contact HR when needed. 

Meet the Team

In addition to an introduction to the team, consider creating a video that provides more in-depth information about each team member. 

This could include information on their role within the company, their background and experience, and any interests or hobbies outside of work. 

This can help new employees feel more connected and comfortable with their colleagues.

Office Tour and Facility Amenities

Finally, consider creating a video that takes new employees on a tour of the modern corporate offices and highlights some of the amenities available. 

This could include things like the kitchen or breakroom, fitness facilities or outdoor spaces, and other amenities available to employees.

It will give prospective employees a look into what your office is all about. 

HR Video Ideas for Training and Company Policy

Employee Wellness Initiatives

Creating videos for employee wellness initiatives can inspire and encourage employees to care for their physical and mental well-being. 

Topics may include exercise routines, proper nutrition, stress reduction tips, and balancing work and personal life.

Videos like this can change employees' perspectives on how you treat them. It can improve employee trust in the company and inspire brand loyalty. 

Soft Skills Training

Soft skills are essential to workplace success, and video training can help employees develop better communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and teamwork skills. 

You can make videos on how to give and receive feedback, conflict resolution, and leadership development. 

Videos are more impactful than just words, so creating videos on soft skills training will be better received by your employees. 

Key Training

Key training videos are vital for employees to understand the specific functions of their roles and what's required for career advancement. 

Topics may include job-specific skills, performance measurement, and company culture.

Company Policy Videos

Company policy must ensure employees stay compliant and operate within your organization's rules. 

Developing videos around sexual harassment, diversity, ethics, and safety can ensure understanding and prevent violations.

You can share these videos with your new employees as well as your existing employees. 

It will give them a clear idea of the company policy and ensure they follow your guidelines. 

Quick Kudos

Employees love being appreciated. It's essential to recognize and appreciate employee achievements regularly. 

Quick Kudos videos can acknowledge employees who have gone above and beyond their job responsibilities or achieved outstanding results. 

It is not only going to boost their confidence but inspire them to work ardently on future tasks.

Outstanding Achievement Awards

Like quick kudos, creating videos to celebrate significant employee accomplishments can be an excellent way to motivate others and show appreciation for their hard work. 

These may include awards for top sales, customer service, or outstanding performance.

Pay Increase Congratulations

When employees are promoted or receive a pay increase, it's important to celebrate their accomplishments. 

Creating videos to congratulate them on their successes is an excellent way to acknowledge their contribution to the company. 

Sending personal pay increase congratulations can give the employee a feeling of success. It is a great way to acknowledge their hard work and celebrate their career milestone. 

Employee Appreciation

Ensuring employees feel valued and appreciated is crucial to maintaining a positive company culture. 

Developing videos that show your appreciation for a job well done can build loyalty and enhance employee satisfaction.

While verbal congratulations are also appreciated, an employee appreciation video would be more impactful and memorable. 

Human Resources Videos for Announcements and Events

Holiday Announcements

Holidays are a time for celebration, and companies can use videos to announce holiday plans, such as office parties, charitable activities, and time off policies. 

These videos can be a great way to build employee morale and create a sense of community in the workplace. 

Holiday videos could include fun seasonal themes, messages from executives, or even a video montage of company employees celebrating.

C-Suite Updates

C-Suite updates are crucial for informing employees about significant changes or developments in company leadership. 

Videos in this category could include new executive hires, promotions, or updates on company strategy.

Regular Reports

Regular reports from HR can help employees stay informed about upcoming events, company goals, and new initiatives. 

These reports can be delivered through a short video highlighting key points or even a full-length one with detailed information. 

This type of video can keep all employees on the same page and everyone aware of upcoming company events.

Evangelization and Change Management

Managing change in a fast-paced business environment is essential to keeping employees engaged and motivated. 

HR can produce videos that promote corporate culture and core values. 

These videos can include employee testimonials, interviews with executives, or information about new benefits and policies. 

Companies can also produce videos explaining significant changes to business operations, enabling employees to quickly adapt to new ways of working.

Team-Building Event Highlights

Team building events are an essential part of an effective workplace culture. 

Videos of these events can be a great way to showcase employee morale and build company unity. 

Highlights could include team-building activities, company-wide events, and employee recognition awards.

Corporate Milestones and Achievements

Videos can be produced to celebrate significant company milestones and achievements, such as hitting sales targets or acquiring a new account. 

These videos are an excellent way to recognize employee contributions to the company's success and to build team morale.

Tips for Crafting Excellent HR Videos

Making excellent HR videos can be challenging, especially if you have no video creation experience. 

We have shared a few tips that will guide you on how to craft excellent HR videos that will help your company to convey a compelling message.

Define Your Objective

The first step to making successful HR videos is to define your objective. 

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What message do you want to convey to your audience? 
  • What result do you want to achieve from the video? 

Once you define your objective, it will be easier to create a video that will help you achieve your goals. 

Always keep it short, simple, and focused on what you want to achieve.

Determine Your Tone and Style

Different companies have different tones and styles, which should reflect in their videos. 

Before making a video, consider what tone and style best represent your company's culture. 

If your company culture is laid back and fun, you should create a humorous and fun video. 

If your company culture is serious and professional, then a serious and straightforward approach would be most appropriate.

Prepare for Distribution Channels

With many different avenues to distribute videos, you need to prepare for your content's distribution. 

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms are great places to post your video. 

However, you have to tailor the video to fit these different channels. Repurpose your existing videos to make them suitable for various channels.

Apart from the distribution channels, it would be best to consider how you will market your content before and during its release.

Incorporate Engaging Visuals and Storytelling

What makes an excellent HR video? Engaging visuals and storytelling. 

It would be best to create a story that will resonate with the audience, capturing their attention and leaving an impression. 

Visuals are also critical because we are visual beings and remember what we see better than what we hear. 

Use pictures, charts, graphics, and other visual aids to communicate your message.

Ensure Content Is Accessible and Inclusive

Finally, you need to ensure the content is accessible and inclusive.  This means using subtitles and transcripts for employees who are deaf or hard of hearing. 

There should be an option to turn on closed captions if needed. 

Additionally, ensure the content is inclusive by avoiding phrases, words, or jargon that may be offensive or discriminatory.

FAQs: HR Video Ideas

What is an HR video?

An HR video is any video content created specifically for human resources purposes. These videos could range from employee onboarding and training to company culture and benefit overviews.

How can HR use social media?

HR can use social media to promote their company culture, share job openings, and attract top talent. 

Social media platforms can also be used to conduct employee surveys, share industry insights, and provide ongoing training resources.

How can I make HR more interesting?

To make HR more interesting, focus on telling compelling stories and using visuals and relatable examples. 

Incorporate humor when appropriate, and engage employees by creating interactive training modules that allow them to participate and learn at their own pace.

How do you engage a team with video?

To engage a team with video, start by ensuring the content is relevant to their job roles and interests. 

Create short, digestible videos that are easy to consume, and promote a sense of community by allowing employees to share their own experiences and insights. 

Conclusion: HR Video Ideas

HR videos are an effective way for companies to communicate important messages to their employees. 

Videos can add creativity and excitement to HR communications, from holiday announcements to corporate milestones. 

By producing engaging and informative videos for announcements and events, companies can stay connected to their employees, creating a thriving and engaged workplace culture.

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