5 Free Places To Find Video Inspiration

November 11, 2021

Here are 5 online sites to visit if you need inspiration to create your next video ad.

1. Vimeo (https://vimeo.com/watch)

Vimeo is home to all kinds of videos, from animated ads to trailers. It is a free video viewing platform, just like Youtube. They have various categories of videos, from ‘Branded Content’ to ‘The freshest in animation’ to ‘Travel Videos’, you can definitely source for the right type of video inspiration to create your next stunning ad.

2. Facebook Creative Hub (https://www.facebook.com/ads/creativehub/gallery/)

This is a great place for anyone to find inspiration for both static and video ads. It is especially useful if you are planning to make a video ad on Facebook or an Instagram Story. They have a wide collection of such video ads from both big and small firms.

At Facebook Creative Hub, you can even choose to create a mockup of the ad!

3. Motiongrapher (http://motionographer.com/about/)

Motiongrapher is another place worth checking out for video ads inspiration. The team features works from studios, freelancers and students, who have served clients like Nike, Spotify, Facebook and more! The videos can be found under the “Quickie” section. Most of their videos are animated (2D and 3D), so if you are looking for some animated video ad inspiration, be sure to check them out.

This is an animated video ad that Animade made for its client, Facebook.

Additionally, Motiongrapher does commentary on interesting ads, publishes interesting articles on anything under the umbrella of design, which will keep you inspired in every way possible!

4. Ads of the World (https://www.adsoftheworld.com/)

This is another great source if you want to seek inspiration from the top video ads in the world.

What is unique about this site is their collection of student curated ads. These ads, be it print or video, are curated by schools from all over the world. Some ads in this collection includes works for famous brands like Burger King, Unicef and Volkswagen.

Apply the right filter to find the type of ads you would like to see. If you are looking for video ads, click on Film under the Medium category. You can also filter according to the type of industry!

5. The Inspiration Grid (https://theinspirationgrid.com/)

The Inspiration Grid allows you to browse works from various industries. Note that if you are looking at a specific category of video ads, be sure to click on Video & Motion to find them. Similar to Motiongrapher, this site is good if you are looking for inspiring animated videos. Ranging from 2D and 3D animations, the videos are typically personal works from artists around the globe.

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