
7. Winning examples

You’ll learn:
– Inspiring examples from brands

Totally. Before you’re going to go examples, I think it’s good to look at this slide because I think we know we talked a lot about making sure that you’re designing. Parallel or mirror or compliments behaviors. So we’ve talked about creativity.

Expression has been made easier more creative with all the tools that’s available on stories. And the opportunity for a brand opportunity for a creative person then is to leverage the same unique visual vernaculars. The same expression tools, the same language to speak the same language as your consumer, right?

Interactivity is key. Stories. Unlike other video formats has interactive components. Let’s play with those to make our communication more of a dialogue to make it more participatory with interactivity, whether it’s the lightweight interactive tool playing with the native control like you saw earlier, or through polling or carousel format.

I think there’s the sort of set up. I know how we are thinking about stories and how stories first came about every recommendation. Every sort of like creative opportunity and approach is based on the behavior that we’re seeing on our plan. And then we’re going to show you more examples.

So for example, I think we talked about leveraging stories, visual vernacular. This is a good example from APEC, from ponds. I’m going to play the optimized asset as you can, as you will see the optimized asset, it is a passive video, right? A typical video asset that communicates the propositions, the benefits. Very simple call to action.

And then you’re going to see these stories-first execution, being more playful by borrowing and mirroring and playing with some native elements to compliment your message. So here’s the optimized assets

and then the stories first.

I mean, you talked about this earlier. Like you, you notice the change where, you know, instead of taking you through five, chapters. Stories-first focuses on only one benefit and a very clear visual representation to give it context to ground, like your eyes and your years. And then, ends with a beautiful call to action that makes you want to swipe up and find out more.

But I think that’s the beauty of stories with execution. A lot of them are really single-minded. And as you can tell from the stats on screen, the starting sports execution outperform the stories optimized by quite a significant amount of percentage. Some of them were ways of leveraging native language.