
What is Personalized Video?

Personalized video is a video that has been customized to each individual viewer. This can be done by inserting personal elements such as the viewer’s name, email, job title, profile image, company name, logo, etc. directly into the video.


A single video design is scaled to create separate original videos for each individual recipient. The original video has points within it that have been designated as fields where personalized elements can be inserted, such as the viewer’s name. The reader’s attention is instantly captured when they see their own name, company name, logo, and other specialized tidbits.

Personalized videos may take a little more time to produce, but once created, they can be quickly disseminated to large volumes of sales leads and are highly scalable.

Benefits of Personalized Videos

How many marketing messages do you see in a day? And how many of them do you remember? 

With businesses always vying for attention, it’s harder than ever to stand out, keep audiences engaged, and build memorable relationships. But by treating each viewer as a prospect and an individual, personalized video can help you cut through the noise and stand out from the crowd.

Benefits of personalized videos include:

  • Breaking through the noise
  • Higher email open rates
  • Higher click-through rates
  • More engagement
  • Builds relationships


Why does personalization work so well? As motivational guru Dale Carnegie said, “A person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” People crave personalized experiences. A massive 58% of consumers say that a personalized experience is very important when purchasing from a company, according to Salesforce.

While using personalized elements taps into people’s desire to be acknowledged, doing it through video intrigues them. Many people will watch the entire video just to see where the personalization pops up again.

But it’s not just a novelty. An insurance company found that customers who watched personalized videos renewed at a rate 12% higher than those who didn’t.

Combined, personalization, and video in an email are a fascinating outreach combination.


Author offeo.cq

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